The 10 Week CMA accredited online, live, programme to help you
Use coaching skills and conversations to support students and help to improve their wellbeing, reduce stress and anxiety using the ChapWell Method, (mindfulness, NLP and CBT) techniques and approaches as part of everyday activities and routines.
Demonstrate an understanding of wellbeing and resilience, how to maintain your own wellbeing and that of others in your care.
Select and use strategies to improve self-esteem, self-worth, motivation and confidence.
- DS
"I came to Fiona's session after a friend recommended me, I'd just been through a messy divorce and felt like all my confidence had gone. I was also experiencing problems at work not helped by my stress levels and just not sleeping. After just a few sessions I was sleeping so much better and the problems at work seemed much easier to handle. I learnt how to use my thoughts to support me and I just know I'll be using these techniques to help me achieve the things I know I'm capable of now. I feel so much more a part of life now it's hard to explain but I'm enjoying who I am and feeling so much more relaxed."
Do you struggle to find the time, confidence and understanding of what you need to include in the learning context and coaching sessions to support student success?
Many teaching and non-teaching staff who work with young people and adults face this barrier, so you aren't alone.
This course builds your capacity to confidently use coaching skills and conversations, wellbeing techniques & mindful approaches to support yourself and students. wellbeing.
We recognise wellbeing is an important part of education so we created the fully accredited 10 week Coaching For Wellbeing In Education - Learner Focus program.
The program is delivered over 10 weeks with 5 x Live 90-minute zoom sessions.
There will also be practical assignments and tasks to support your development and use of your skills in your work context.
Tutorials are recorded and made available after each session.
Hi, I'm Fiona,
Fiona Chapman MA, Dip Ad Ed, NLP Master Practitioner, NLP Trainer, CBT Coach, Well-being Trainer/coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, EMDR Therapist, Mindfulness teacher, and published author.
I have helped many clients break through the barriers of stress, low mood and anxiety since 2000 and also worked in education as a leader, manager, teacher and trainer for more than 30 years.
I coach clients to easily overcome those barriers that are standing in the way of their well-being, happiness, hopes and life. Working with students and young people in education I recognise their particular wellbeing needs are complex and addressing these can also be critical to their success in education. This course is designed to help those working closely with and supporting students to deepen their skills, knowledge and understand to effectively coach young people to grow personally, confidently and successfully.
I use my approach, The ChapWell Method, a blended approach using Clinical Hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Mindfulness, Coaching and Yoga.
- S
"Just to let you know making great progress, feeling the best I have and (negative) thoughts are less and less, but if I ever fall back into old habits will see you again."
Who is the Coaching for Wellbeing in Education - Learner Focus for?
This program is for teaching and non-teaching staff who work with young people and adults in an educational and/or youth work setting, who have a wellbeing or pastoral role and/or responsibility.
Importantly the course also enables you to understand how to develop and strengthen your own wellbeing as well as that of the learners you support, engage with in your setting.
- SM
"It's just like Fiona kept saying to me, you can find your own strength again, move on from the stress, anxiety and worry habit and actually enjoy life. You just need to learn how and now I really understand what she meant! I used to suffer from stress, regular panic attacks and now I'm doing things and going places that I always thought just wasn't for me."
Do I have to be present on the group tutorials?
Yes absolutely, this is a critical part of your training and attendance of at least 4 out of the 5 sessions is a requirement for CMA accreditation. Lower, 'live' tutorial attendees will receive a ChapWell Method certificate of completion if they view the post session recordings.
Can I use this qualification to support my current career?
Yes, you will receive a CMA accredited Certificate. All workplaces have a responsibility for staff wellbeing and you will be equipped to make an active contribution in this area. In addition you will be able to use your skills and growing expertise to coach those individuals you manage and lead to excel and perform. This is a qualification that will give you an opportunity to develop you and your skills and your leadership and management skills.
On a personal level you will also find the whole process helps you to grow and develop your confidence, benefit from being able to use and share mindfulness approaches and techniques, engage your motivation, improve your communication skills using NLP.
Do I get any 1:1 support?
Attendees can purchase, at a reduced rate, one to one coaching and tutorials when attending this course up to one year after completing the course. Please contact us to discuss your needs.
Post course support
The ChapWell Method school of training is serious about your success and will maintains contact (unless you choose not to) with you offering articles and techniques that you may find useful to your growing skillset. In addition returning students will receive a discount on future courses and coaching taken with us, within one year of your last training with us.